Monday, February 27, 2012

Adventures in Cloth Diapers

Photo by Vanessa Wiest

Since my first cloth diaper purchase in October 2010 (yes, I know, I wasn't even pregnant yet!), I've been so excited to use them.  We decided not to use them right away, mainly I was afraid she might react to the detergent or something and because of her tarry poos.  At about 2 weeks, we jumped in and it's been great!

After 4+ weeks in cloth diapers, here's what we've learned

Newborn set to 9 lbs (we used for only 4 weeks and had a small baby.) they still fit her and I bet they'll fit until 12 lbs.
-15 fitted (kissaluvs size 0 vol.2)

-6 prefolds (homemade or bought), we have 5 Extended tab Meg-A-Roo prefolds.  Recommend snaps, we have some with and without, snaps are easier than using a snappi

-5-6 covers (Thirsties due wrap Size 1 with velcro or snaps) we got by with 4, but one or 2 more would have been nice. I prefer the velcro because you get a better fit, but they wear out more easily than snaps.

Total: new $195+10+70=$275
Borrowed between sisters if the timing is right: practically free, just the cost of shipping!

9lbs to potty training
We are at the beginning of this, but this is what we are using and liking so far. You would be doing laundry every other day at the beginning, but eventually they get down to 6 diaper changes a day.

-6 bumgenius flip covers in Velcro or snaps
-18 stay dry inserts (comes in day pack with 2 covers and 6 inserts for $50)
-3-6 organic cotton inserts $20 for 3
-optional, get some pocket diapers for overnight or for cuteness $12-$27 each

The covers are reusable and once an insert is soiled, you just replace it with a new one. Organic cotton would come in handy if they are heavy setters at night. They will feel wetness, so I would cut a piece of fleece to act as a barrier.

 Total cost: new (recommended because of how long we'll be using them) $150+$40=base $190

Additional items
2 large wetbags (kissaluvs pail liner) $15 each
Medium wetbag for each diaper bag (planetwise bags are highly recommended)
Medium/large wetbag for daycare
Diaper sprayer $40
bac-out spray
Cloth diaper friendly rash cream, one type
Wool dryer balls
cloth diaper friendly detergent,I've been reading that Tide Free & Clear gets a bad rap, but actually it works.  Still afraid to try it

One could easily get all of this at a baby shower. Last thing I've learned, cloth diaper don't need to be a cute accessory, they are just a great way to save money and they get the job done. I bought WAY too many diapers.

Lessons Learned:
If I could buy again, I would probably go with just the extended prefolds for the first stage.  Both of the options above got wet, but they never leaked like the XS Fuzzibunz or the Newborn Bumgenius. The prefolds didn't leave any elastic marks on her skin, which makes me feel better than opening up her diaper and seeing big red elastic marks on her legs and back after taking off her Kissaluvs.  However, we would give her some naked time for about 5 minutes and her skin was back to normal. If I did that, it would be $10 per prefold with snaps ($8 without).  They also look REALLY easy to make and I have some diaper making supplies (mom has some already cut, maybe we should save them FYI!) So, an additional $150 for new prefolds.  And I could sell the Kissaluvs on Diaper Swappers or Craigslist (they are pretty popular).  But, the kissaluvs really did work well and if I'm crunched for money next time around, we'll just keep with those.

Stick to one brand of diaper.  That way you don't mix up different inserts. It's like trying to match up a bunch of different socks that are all the same color!

1 comment:

vanessawiest11 said...

I knew after seeing this post that I needed to get my rear in gear about sending you all the photos I took :) Hope you like them!!