i found this list on Che and Fidel and was inspired to join in!
I am...
making : camping lists for our day trip to Julian tomorrow
cooking : pre made chocolate chip cookie dough. Arya's helping (and may be sampling the frozen dough!)
drinking : wine, E.V.E.R.Y. S.I.N.G.L.E. night
reading : Heaven on Earth…need some daily rhythm and discipline in our lives
wanting : to live a simpler life in a simpler place
looking : at school librarian standards
playing : with the play food for Arya (switching to wooden toys and less variety..it's working!)
wasting : too much time on Facebook, Gmail, Youtube and Pinterest.. vicious cycle
sowing : the seeds to save $50 next year and do taxes by hand.
wishing : we were closer to family
enjoying : the fact I took a vacation day tomorrow and don't have to go in for a 10 hour shift...
waiting : for the tax bug to kick me into gear about getting our taxes done
liking : having breakfast and tea ready in the morning by my honey
wondering : what Arya will look like when she's older
loving : Arya's long curly hair and the way she looks like a doll when her bangs are pinned back
hoping : Arya will do good on the camping trip with no Curious George episodes!
marvelling : that we've been in San Diego almost 6 years!
needing : nothing really
smelling : the smell of cut grass the other day..divine
wearing : the same old colorful Keen shoes, have them in teal and pink.
following : soulemama and bluebirdbaby, like usual…going on probably 7 years
noticing : how dull our condo looks after living here almost 3 years
knowing : change can happen at any moment….and we're SO ready for it
thinking : I need to use my computer less
bookmarking : tiny houses
opening : my mind to meditation. I can only do 2 minutes at max right now, but I do think it's helps.
giggling : that when I mention Daddy to Arya, she reacts with tickling hands and says "ticka ,ticka, ticka!"
feeling : like this life is doable
1 comment:
Fun list! I see lots of future blog topics:) Your camping trip, book review, how you're changing up Arya's toys, etc. Maybe you could brainstorm ideas on how to live more simply in your current situation (while you're waiting on a big change).
Have fun tomorrow and take lots of pics!
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