Friday, November 30, 2012

What to Keep for a Potential Second Baby

I've been thinking a lot about baby things.  What should I keep? What if we move, should we pack it all up?  What if it's a boy? What if the next baby girl is born in the summer and not the winter like Arya?  To be fair, to date I've only been storing clothes that she actually wore.  If she didn't wear it, I have already sold or donated it. I've been making a mental list of things and what to do with them, so here it is:

1. Breastpump and reasonable amount of accessories
2. Snoogle-best pillow ever, deserves its own storage tote :)
3. one nursing pillow-need to pick between boppy and brest friend
3. Infant Carseat
4. infant toys/ excellent condition books (Arya loves to chew)
5. Grandma-made quilts
6. excellent quality gender neutral clothes 0-12 months. (Baby Gap, kimonos, Hanna Andersson)
7. Pediped shoes--expensive
8. Cloth diapers, NB, Flip, BG Elementals
9. Sentimental clothing 0-12 months

Things to part with:
1. Regular quality baby girl clothes
2. wetbags
3. babylegs
4. Instep Jogging Stroller

This is what I'm thinking right now.  Any suggestions??

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